Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Night at the Club

The other night Dean and I did what I swore I'd never do again -- we went to the club where he works as a DJ!  I know, I said I'd never go back again because I don't like the way he treats me (meaning, he ignores me, and is even unpleasant toward me) at the club.  He's such a social butterfly and always the center of attention, which he loves, so he just doesn't have time for me when I go.  Then when I get upset at being ignored he gets rude.  

But he really wanted me to go with him that night because it was a big deal for the club; it was their one-year anniversary.  And since the owners of the club are my friends, I really did want to celebrate it with them.  It was actually a black tie affair, so it was an opportunity to put on ball gowns and tuxes, and have a very elegant evening.

I must say, Dean was totally attentive and very sweet to me (I guess he decided that my complaints about the way he had treated me before were worth paying attention to if he wanted me to come back).  And everyone was really great in fact!  Like I've said before, most of the club regulars don't really know me, so they tend to ignore me, but since Dean was paying attention to me (for a change) and being very sweet, they must have realized I was his wife, and they all wanted to meet me.  Of course, they all wanted to tell me how wonderful Dean is; what a great guy, what a great DJ (all things I really knew anyway).  

But there is one woman at the club, whom I really do like, but who I also really get tired of pretty quickly after she's been drinking.  Every time I have gone in the past she has had to tell me what a pervert Dean is!  That always upsets me, because even though I don't really think he's playing without me (which is against our rules), it just bugs the crap out of me that she always says it.  I guess she thinks it's sexy or something.  

A few days later though when I was out at a "girls only" event (always very fun), I mentioned it to my friends, and they all vehemently protested, saying, "You can't listen to Kate!  She's drunk!  She says that about everyone!  Dean is always such a gentleman!"  Even though I always pretty much figured this to be the case, it really was gratifying to hear them all say that.  I love my lady friends; I will tell you, swingers are really the nicest, sweetest, most kind and generous, not to mention honest people I know.  

Do you know any swingers?  Or maybe I should ask, do you know anyone you know are swingers?  There are more of them around than you may realize.

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