"Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town"
i seem to recognize your face
haunting, familiar, yet i can't seem to place it
cannot find the candle of thought to light your name
lifetimes are catching up with me
all these changes taking place, i wish i'd seen the place
but no one's ever taken me
hearts and thoughts they fade, fade away...
hearts and thoughts they fade, fade away...
i swear i recognize your breath
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising
me, you wouldn't recall, for i'm not my former
it's hard when, you're stuck upon the shelf
i changed by not changing at all, small town predicts my fate
perhaps that's what no one wants to see
i just want to scream...hello...
my god its been so long, never dreamed you'd return
but now here you are, and here i am
hearts and thoughts they fade...away...
hearts and thoughts they fade...away...
hearts and thoughts they fade, fade away...
hearts and thoughts they fade...
Monday, November 22, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
How a Single Man Can Get Invited to a Swing Club
If you are a single man and would like to be invited to a swing club, first do a Google search for "Swing Clubs in [city and / or state] to find clubs near you. Then check out their website to see if it's a club you'd like to go to. Different clubs have different personalities, so do your homework to find the right one(s).
After you have found some clubs that interest you, call the number on their websites. Most likely they will ask you a variety of questions to (a) make sure you know what you're getting into, and (b) to see if you are a good fit for their club.
The next step is them asking to meet you (like in an interview), and this can be done in advance, or it can be done the first night you go to the club. As the old saying goes, dress to impress! As ZZ Top always said, Women go crazy for a sharp dressed man!
There are some dumps out there, so be careful. I've been to some beautiful clubs but would never play there because everyone was so stuffy and cliqueish. I've been to some dives and would never play at those places because you'd never be sure if you might catch something. Make sure that wherever you go they supply free condoms (and use them!), free lube, complimentary towels (and use them!), give you a tour and that they lay out all the rules. Make sure you carefully follow all the rules if you want to keep cumming back for more!
And be sure to let me know how your adventure goes!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Single Men at Swingers' Clubs
Some swing clubs will sometimes allow a single man to go in alone, but not usually. Sometimes there are "single men allowed" nights. A lot of women don't like to go on those nights because they feel like the men act too lecherous if they are single. Yes, it is a sex club, but there is a right way and a wrong way to behave. The men must be respectful of the women or they won't last long -- the club we go to would quickly boot a man right out for bad behavior and never allow him back in.
At some places the men can be slimy, but the main place we go screens them really well. You would never know a man was single at these events because they always behave like gentlemen. They know that if they want to be invited back, they have to be on their best behavior.
Would your wife care if you went alone?
Sunday, October 17, 2010
How we Swing
Some people may think that as a swinger we are not picky about who we fuck. Or that we don't care where or how we meet who we fuck. That would be incorrect.

As swingers we go to clubs and resorts, as well as house parties that are specifically for swingers. We originally joined LifeStyles, which is an organization geared specifically toward the LifeStyle. We don't meet people in bars or discos, at regular parties, etc. People in bars, etc., have no idea of how to play or what the rules are. Yes, there are rules to swinging. One rule is that everything is up to the woman. If she doesn't like something, then it's a no go.
Listen up ladies -- swinging protects you!!! Your word is law. If you are uncomfortable in a situation, all you have to do is speak up. If you are in a reputable group of swingers, they will make sure your needs are taken care of.
My personal favorite is going to resorts, either swing resorts, or regular resorts where we have a "takeover" planned.
My favorite resort is actually in Mexico, but we haven't been there in years because of 9/11. After 9/11 that resort went out of business due to travel constraints, and the airline that took us there went out of business. So sad, it was in a beautiful little town, a lovely resort, and we met the most wonderful people there.
We've gone to a number of conventions in Vegas and Reno, but we really don't enjoy the conventions much, so it's been a while since we've been to one.
We often act as a host couple or care team members when we go to events. Some people might think we're crazy to give up our time to do this, but (1) we get a break in the cost of the convention for doing this, and (2) we really have a great opportunity to meet more people this way.
Condoms are an absolute must! No condom, no play! Not everyone in the LifeStyle feels this way, but that's definitely one of our rules.
A lot of women in the LifeStyle are bisexual. I think many couples get into it so the lady can indulge in woman on woman play, and the man can watch, if not actually participate. Me, I prefer dick to pussy, but I'm never rude to a lady. No, I won't munch her muff, but I have no problem at all if she wants to munch mine.
Dean and I also have a secret code, so that if one of us feels uncomfortable in any situation, all we have to do is say the code phrase (no one else knows what it is except for me and Dean), and we will gently extricate ourselves from the situation without hurting anyone's feelings. A code word, or a code phrase, is highly recommended.
Do you swing? If you don't, are you curious about it? If you do swing, how do you swing?
Saturday, October 9, 2010
No Telling
I have considered telling Dean about Mr. T, but I've decided against it. I think the time has passed for me to tell him. If I said something now he would wonder why I didn't say something before.
It's because I love Dean that I won't say anything. After all, if Dean and I ran into some lady who had been the love of his life, and he was longing to be with her, wishing that they had never ended, I don't think I would want to know that.
I still don't think anything will happen with me and Mr. T. Like I've said before, I'm sure he doesn't want to risk his marriage any more than I want to risk mine. I consider my marriage to be a blessing, and Dean and I really do cherish each other.
It's because I love Dean that I won't say anything. After all, if Dean and I ran into some lady who had been the love of his life, and he was longing to be with her, wishing that they had never ended, I don't think I would want to know that.
I still don't think anything will happen with me and Mr. T. Like I've said before, I'm sure he doesn't want to risk his marriage any more than I want to risk mine. I consider my marriage to be a blessing, and Dean and I really do cherish each other.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Doing Better
It's been about a week and a half since I saw T, and I think I'm starting to recover. I'm not crying anymore, so that's good. Best to avoid each other, I think.
But I did figure out a way to have my cake and eat it too, if T decided he wanted to go there (I won't approach this with him myself). Since Dean and I are swingers, I could just tell Dean that I want to play with T and he would be okay with that (but he would really want to join us).
But if I do that, and if I don't tell Dean what T and I were to each other, then I still feel like I would be cheating on Dean, because with T, it would really be so much more than "playing". In that case, I suspect Dean might say that he doesn't want me to, and I wouldn't blame him.
What do you think? What would you do in my situation?
But I did figure out a way to have my cake and eat it too, if T decided he wanted to go there (I won't approach this with him myself). Since Dean and I are swingers, I could just tell Dean that I want to play with T and he would be okay with that (but he would really want to join us).
But if I do that, and if I don't tell Dean what T and I were to each other, then I still feel like I would be cheating on Dean, because with T, it would really be so much more than "playing". In that case, I suspect Dean might say that he doesn't want me to, and I wouldn't blame him.
What do you think? What would you do in my situation?
Friday, October 1, 2010
This really is real-time. Sometimes I write about things in the past, but this is happening right now.
I know better than to see T in person, but I really can't bear to lose touch with him again. We were lovers for so long, and due to stupid choices we finally went our separate ways. So much of that was my own fault.
I already lost him for so many years. We are emailing a little. We are keeping it light. We are NOT sharing our feelings. We are not talking on the phone, or in person.
In the morning, as I drive myself to work, I find tears streaming down my face because I'm heartbroken at this situation.
I cannot hurt my husband, so I can't see T. I know I won't have the strength to say no to him if he wanted to go to a hotel room, therefore I will avoid him. But don't worry, if I do run into him (by happenstance only), and we do end up in a hotel room, yes I will write about it.
I know better than to see T in person, but I really can't bear to lose touch with him again. We were lovers for so long, and due to stupid choices we finally went our separate ways. So much of that was my own fault.
I already lost him for so many years. We are emailing a little. We are keeping it light. We are NOT sharing our feelings. We are not talking on the phone, or in person.
In the morning, as I drive myself to work, I find tears streaming down my face because I'm heartbroken at this situation.
I cannot hurt my husband, so I can't see T. I know I won't have the strength to say no to him if he wanted to go to a hotel room, therefore I will avoid him. But don't worry, if I do run into him (by happenstance only), and we do end up in a hotel room, yes I will write about it.
A comfort or a curse?
I told my best friend about running into T and his wife on Sunday, and she asked me if I felt that seeing him again was a comfort or a curse.
Have you ever seen The Thornbirds (Movie) or Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV Show)?
In The Thornbirds, I always thought the man and woman were fools. He (the priest) didn't have a person in his life he would hurt if he chose to be with the woman he loved. But he was a priest, so he refrained. The woman just loved this stupid priest and wouldn't really move on with her life. At the time, I thought they were both amazingly irritating and stupid! But I can understand now how they were unable to truly move on. If they had been on separate parts of the planet and didn't ever see each other maybe it would have been easier for them.
In Buffy, Angel (the vampire with a soul) would lose his soul if he ever experienced true joy. Therefore, he couldn't be with the woman he loved (Buffy) because he would lose his soul (this was a gypsy curse). I feel a lot like Angel in this situation ... if I experience true joy with T, I will lose my soul. Yes, I think seeing him again is a little like a curse ... an incredibly cruel joke that the universe has decided to play on me at this time in my life when I'm with Dean, and I love Dean, and we have a great marriage.
If this had happened when Dean and I were having serious problems, this would be a no-brainer. But Dean and I are in a good place.
Dammit! I want my cake and eat it too! And I'm seriously, completely, and devastatingly in love with this particular cake.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
I'm so torn. I love Dean and he loves and cherishes me. I know this. I wouldn't hurt him for anything. But how can I let T go now? I think T must be feeling much the same way. Yes, connections ... I know he felt it, just is I did. I suspect he is feeling as torn as I am. I could see it in his eyes. I could feel it emanating from him. I don't know how Dean and Barbie couldn't see it -- they must have had their "blurry" glasses on to miss it because I thought T and I were completely transparent. I know for the first few moments there, T and I were the only ones in the room.
I did think his wife was charming and lovely, but really, she's nothing to me, so if it weren't for Dean, I wouldn't hesitate. I don't know ... I'm afraid with T I'm weak. I do want it to go further, but I don't think I can do that to Dean; I don't think I could stand the guilt. Dean deserves better.
I'm not going to pursue anything with T, and I don't think he will pursue me either, because I'm sure he doesn't want to risk his marriage any more than I want to risk mine. I'm not going to cut him off either. I guess we can at least stay in touch. I will be surprised if he asks to actually see me in person though. But if he does? I just don't know.
I did think his wife was charming and lovely, but really, she's nothing to me, so if it weren't for Dean, I wouldn't hesitate. I don't know ... I'm afraid with T I'm weak. I do want it to go further, but I don't think I can do that to Dean; I don't think I could stand the guilt. Dean deserves better.
I'm not going to pursue anything with T, and I don't think he will pursue me either, because I'm sure he doesn't want to risk his marriage any more than I want to risk mine. I'm not going to cut him off either. I guess we can at least stay in touch. I will be surprised if he asks to actually see me in person though. But if he does? I just don't know.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Joy and Despair
Dean and I went out on Sunday night to see a band perform at a local nightclub because one of Dean's daughters was going to do a guest spot with one of the bands that night. We got there early, got a couple of drinks, and scored the best table in the place. A good 30 minutes before the first act, another couple, about our age, came and sat at the adjoining table. I didn't really notice them much except to see that the man had walked away, and while he was gone the woman and I started chatting. She said they were hungry and hadn't gotten dinner yet, and she was wondering if they had time to go somewhere before the band got started. I told her about a restaurant just down the street, and just then the man came back and had brought a beer and a wine from the bar to the table. I remember thinking to myself that they really didn't have time, especially since he had just spent a good $15 or $20 on those drinks, and they didn't have time to drink them, leave, get dinner and come back all in 20 minutes.
I glanced toward them a couple times just because I was looking for another couple we were supposed to meet, and they were in my line of site looking toward the door. Not really thinking anything of them, not really seeing them, Dean and I were talking, when I heard someone say, rather softly, "Gabrielle?" I turned toward the voice, and it was the man that I hadn't paid any real attention to, and I asked, "How do you know me?" He closed his eyes and turned away, as if in pain, and I thought, "What an odd reaction ... why would this man react this way?" Then he turned toward me again, and he looked at me, his eyes huge, just staring at me. Pleading with me. I thought, he looks at me as if he really thinks I should know him ... why? Who is he? And then, without really recognizing what I was looking at, a feeling just came over me, and I said, rather softly (so softly I don't know if I even made a sound), "Mr. T?" This was so surreal -- an out-of-body experience -- we were the only two in existence. And that's when I realized that my husband, and his wife, were just staring at us, and now they laughed because, well, I don't know why, perhaps because of our disbelief at seeing each other. Our obvious shock.
Now, why you ask is this of any importance at all? Why would you be shocked to see someone? I'll tell you ... because Mr. T was the love of my life. My true soul-mate, if such a thing exists. And Dean, and Mr. T's wife Barbie, they had, no idea of what we were, or of what they were truly seeing.
I never thought I would ever see him again, and I'm sure he never thought he would see me again either. We had moved on. I was married to Dean and he was married to Barbie. Oh, and that's another story. But now, oh my God! Now? All these feelings have come pouring back in. I'm so torn, and I could tell that he was too. I don't know what will happen now. I know I want to fall into his arms, I know my heart is weeping. What joy to see him again. What sorrow at this situation. My Dean is so good, so wonderful, he cherishes me and adores me so. He'd walk through fire for me, he'd give up his life for me. And I love him so much. He deserves the best from me, and I promised I would never cheat on him, and I meant it. But oh, my God! Now what? Now what? Oh joy -- oh despair!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Outdoor Sex!!!
I was reading someone else's blog, and he was talking about outdoor sex. I LOVE outdoor sex! It's just so, well, sensual!
Two experiences cum to mind immediately:
- In a park
- On my boat
In a Park / At the Lake
When I was married to my first husband, I had taken a lover who (I believe) was my soul-mate. Well, if you believe in soul-mates, that is. And who knows? Maybe if we had been husband and wife I wouldn't have ended up feeling that way, but that never happened ... however, I digress.
My lover and I decided to go away for a weekend, which is no easy task when you have a husband and your lover has a wife. You have to come up with an alibi, of course, and so I used my best friend for this purpose (she was only happy to be my alibi). I had no idea what Mr. T told his wife, nor did I really care. All I knew was that I was going to get away from the real world for a while with my lover.
We took my car (he parked his in a shopping center parking lot, and we just hoped it would be there when we returned), and drove to a charming little town that looked an awful lot like the old west. We got a room at a nice hotel with a fabulous hot tub inside the bedroom, and of course, we had a wonderful time there! But this is about outdoor sex, so we won't be talking about the indoor sex (for now). We packed up a picnic basket and drove to a nearby lake where we found a nice little spot on the grass under a tree. We spread out our blanket, and spread out our lunch, and ate. No, I mean we ate the food, silly! I was wearing a dress (for easy access, of course!). The dress was a creamy white color with a bold fuchsia-colored rose pattern and fuchsia-colored collar, belt, and bow; extremely feminine! The skirt itself was very full and not too long (or too short, for that matter).
After we ate our lunch and drank some wine, we were feeling very relaxed. We knew there were people around us; we could hear voices and laughter, but there was no one in sight. I gave him that sassy little look, and he knew what I had on my mind. I placed my hand on the bulge inside his pants and began stroking him. He groaned and rolled his eyes back, then said, "Are you crazy!? We can't be doing this here!" I looked around and said, "Why not? Do you see anyone?" He said, "No, but someone could come by at any moment." I answered that by unzipping his pants, pulling his beautiful, thick, hard, throbbing cock out of his pants, lifting up my skirt (just enough), straddling him, and planting myself firmly on his lap with my legs wrapped around his waist. Then I lowered my skirt, giving our grinding groins complete shelter. If anyone did see us, they certainly could not see what we were doing! They probably could have figured it out, but they couldn't see.
There we sat, me on his lap, his cock filling my wet pussy, gazing into each others eyes, devouring each other's mouths, gently moving our hips together, quietly fucking each other into waves of ecstasy. After we finished, we didn't immediately disengage, we simply held each other ... until I noticed a tiny snake slithering by us in the grass. We didn't move until it was past, but I'm sure it wasn't poisonous, and I don't think it even knew we were there. But once it passed, we figured that was our warning ... after all, you simply can't ignore a snake in the Garden of Eden!
On My Boat / On the Ocean
Being naked outdoors is such a sensuous feeling! And out in the middle of the ocean (well, not really the middle, but about 15 miles offshore anyway), who's to see? So Dean and I were out on the boat, just the two of us, and we decided to take advantage of the situation (and of each other!). There was no one around, except for the pod of dolphins playing around the boat. I know we could have gone into the cabin of the boat, but that just didn't sound like as much fun.
So naked on the deck, and hot from the sun, I sat back on a cushioned seat with a towel under me and began playing with my clit. I looked Dean in the eye with that cum hither look that simply can't be ignored! Dean, also naked, took one of the cushions and laid it on the deck in front of me and put another towel down on it, kneel-ed down in front of my wide-spread legs. Bending forward, he gently sucked my clit into his mouth, and I took my fingers and spread my lips to give him easier access. As I looked down to see his head between my legs, he looked me in the eyes and slid his finger into my glistening, wet pussy, pressing on my G-Spot and licking me into a frenzy!
We could hear a small airplane approaching, probably thinking they would use our boat as a pivot point. As a pilot myself, I used to do that too, when I used to fly (I stopped flying after my son was born). It's simply good practice. Dean and I looked at each other and read each other's minds without saying a word ... do we stop and put our clothes on? And at the same instant, we both came to the same conclusion that we didn't want to stop, this felt too good, so fuck 'em ... if they didn't want to see, they didn't have to watch!
Now I wanted to suck on his cock, and the sound of that airplane started to fade into the background. So I had him stand up in front of me to put him at the right level, and I leaned forward and bent down, not going directly for his cock, but instead teasing his balls, the crease between his balls and his inner thigh, the space between his balls and his anus, and finally, after teasing his shaft, and the head, finally I sucked his cock deep into my mouth. When he couldn't stand it anymore, he lifted me off the seat, turned me around, bent me over, and shoved his cock inside of my dripping, throbbing pussy, and fucked me silly from behind. Only after we came (me several times) and finished did we realize that the stupid little airplane was still circling overhead.
What the heck? We gave them a really good show -- I'm just glad they didn't crash!
Have you ever had outdoor sex? What was your experience? Please share with me -- after all, I shared with you.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
A Night at the Club
The other night Dean and I did what I swore I'd never do again -- we went to the club where he works as a DJ! I know, I said I'd never go back again because I don't like the way he treats me (meaning, he ignores me, and is even unpleasant toward me) at the club. He's such a social butterfly and always the center of attention, which he loves, so he just doesn't have time for me when I go. Then when I get upset at being ignored he gets rude.
But he really wanted me to go with him that night because it was a big deal for the club; it was their one-year anniversary. And since the owners of the club are my friends, I really did want to celebrate it with them. It was actually a black tie affair, so it was an opportunity to put on ball gowns and tuxes, and have a very elegant evening.
I must say, Dean was totally attentive and very sweet to me (I guess he decided that my complaints about the way he had treated me before were worth paying attention to if he wanted me to come back). And everyone was really great in fact! Like I've said before, most of the club regulars don't really know me, so they tend to ignore me, but since Dean was paying attention to me (for a change) and being very sweet, they must have realized I was his wife, and they all wanted to meet me. Of course, they all wanted to tell me how wonderful Dean is; what a great guy, what a great DJ (all things I really knew anyway).
But there is one woman at the club, whom I really do like, but who I also really get tired of pretty quickly after she's been drinking. Every time I have gone in the past she has had to tell me what a pervert Dean is! That always upsets me, because even though I don't really think he's playing without me (which is against our rules), it just bugs the crap out of me that she always says it. I guess she thinks it's sexy or something.
A few days later though when I was out at a "girls only" event (always very fun), I mentioned it to my friends, and they all vehemently protested, saying, "You can't listen to Kate! She's drunk! She says that about everyone! Dean is always such a gentleman!" Even though I always pretty much figured this to be the case, it really was gratifying to hear them all say that. I love my lady friends; I will tell you, swingers are really the nicest, sweetest, most kind and generous, not to mention honest people I know.
Do you know any swingers? Or maybe I should ask, do you know anyone you know are swingers? There are more of them around than you may realize.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Confidence and Insecurity
It is amazing feeling to find someone who understands you, someone you can be yourself with, someone you don’t have to hide your true self from. That’s the way it is with me and Dean. All people are weirdo’s in one way or another. We all have our secrets. We all have our strange (well, to other people anyway) behaviors. It’s nice to find someone who loves you no matter what.
Sometimes you just connect with one person in a way you cannot connect with someone else. Part of it could be that you have a history together; a common ground, having gone to the same school, grown up in the same neighborhood, maybe travel in the same circles, etc. It was that way with me and Dean. We have known each other since we were in high school, and he even knew my first husband in Jr. high (didn’t like him, but knew him).
When I was single and dating (after my first husband left me), I was seeing numerous men at the same time, and I was honest with all of them. No, I told them, they were not the only man in my life, or in my bed, and I didn’t expect to be the only woman in their lives or their beds. This always worked to my advantage; I’m telling you, those men loved being with me! They knew they were with a confident, sexy, independent woman, and they loved that. They never felt trapped or pressured or suffocated by me, like they did by so many other women. I don't think men like to be with insecure women, but what do you think?
Do you like to be with secure, confident people, or do you prefer them to lack confidence? What is it you like about it?
It can be hard to trust a man (or a woman0 if you’ve been hurt before; hard to believe the things s/he tells you. I had that same problem myself when I first started seeing Dean and began falling in love; I felt like he was too good to be true, and I just had to give us some time to make sure. In a new relationship, I believe it's important to give yourself lots of time and not to rush into anything. If it is meant to be, then it will be. Time will tell.
It's been my experience that the less you act like you want to commit, the more likely the other person will want to commit. The more elusive you are, they more the other person will chase you. Unless a man puts a ring on your finger (and I mean a diamond ring that came with a promise and a proposal), you don’t have to stop dating (or fucking) other men (unless you have already promised him you’ll stop dating other men, and then I'm sorry for you). I believe a man is far less likely to get bored with a woman he sees as exciting, and when you’re dating other men, you are more exciting to other men.
Do you feel that way, or not? And if you feel that way also, why do you think that is?
I would love to hear your thoughts about this.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
A Lovely Day
Dean and I just spent the most lovely day with some friends of ours from back East who have been in town for about week (but I was traveling on business when they first got into town so we didn't see them until yesterday). I got back in town over the weekend but our friends were busy then, and besides, I had to go into the office on Saturday and Sunday anyway. So I was able to get off today (and I do mean get off in the best way possible).
I actually got off work early yesterday, and went for a massage and a facial (much needed), then Dean and I met our friends at a nice restaurant near the harbor. We enjoyed a wonderful dinner, with plenty of wine and champagne, much laughter and innuendo. Then after dinner we headed to the harbor to spend the night on the boat (all four of us). We put on Sade (her music is very sensual), and we were all so relaxed from the alcohol, good food, and especially from the fun evening of flirting and thinly veiled promises, I just knew a night of eroticisim lay ahead for all of us.
None of us were disappointed -- after a very juicy, and exhausting night of all sorts of wonderfully obscene activities, we slept until well after sunrise -- lost in a tangle -- the four of us, all arms, and legs, and breasts, and cocks, and pussies, and lips, and hands, and wet spots ... well, you get the picture.
I love falling asleep on the water with the rocking of the boat on the waves; I never get seasick, so I don't understand people who do. I'm sorry if you do get seasick; I think you're missing out on one of the most wonderful experiences. Maybe I was a mermaid in a previous life because I just love the ocean, and I'm lucky because so does Dean.
But when we woke up, we had so much fun the night before, we just had to go all over again. When the boat's a rockin', don't come a knockin' ... oh -- I guess that doesn't pertain to boats on the water though.
After we got up and had some breakfast on the boat, we spent a languid morning just lounging around until brunch, when the margaritas came out (I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I love a good margarita, and Dean makes the best!). Then we all started feeling sexy again.
Luis was fabulous; I don't get to see him often enough, and he's such an amazing lover! I love to look down and see his velvety dark skin against against my ivory white skin. And oh baby, can he move! He loves to eat my pussy, and he does it so well! I know a lot of black men don't like doing that, but Luis loves it, which must be why he's so damn good! Something else I love about him that no other man ever does (except Mr. T used to) -- he restrains me so I cannot move. He pins me down by taking both my wrists in one big, strong hand and pins them over my head so I'm completely at his mercy. I just love what that man does to me! Why do I love that so much? Is it because I know he could do anything he wants to me, and if he wanted to hurt me, there isn't anything I could do about it? But I trust him, and I know he wouldn't hurt me ... is that why its such a turn on?
Ladies, do you like to be restrained? And if you do, what do you like about it? Gentlemen, what about you? Do you like to be restrained, or do you like to do any sort of restraining of your partner? I'd love to hear all about it.
Okay, so I must admit, I'm sooooo sore right now (deliciously, delightfully decadently, sore!) that I can hardly move. My pussy aches, my legs ache, heck! Even my tongue aches! My body has been fucked good, and I can hardly move. I love it!
Our friends left late this afternoon to go back home and we'll miss them. In any case, I have to go back to work tomorrow -- I hope my lustful adventures aren't written all over my face.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
I've been traveling on business since I last wrote, and I'm still away, so this is just a quick note to say I haven't forgotten you. I've been going to stores all over the West coast doing customer service training. Kind of funny considering that I hung up on that man not too long ago (you may remember, I pretended that I couldn't hear him due to a bad connection, then hung up mid-sentence). Bad on me. Oh well, I won't do it again.
Besides providing customer service training, I'm also providing training on some of our proprietary systems. I really hate proprietary systems though. If anyone ever tries to sell you or your company a proprietary system, just say NO! After all, a proprietary system really is just a way for the seller to ensure that you are stuck paying money to them forever more. It makes it virtually impossible to switch to a system that everyone is using. And this presents a whole host of problems that I won't even get into.
For example, QuickBooks Pro is an excellent accounting system that almost every bookkeeper or accountant is familiar with. Other no-name systems, such as SAGE (face it, not many people have ever heard of that system, but if you have please let me know) require special training. And once you get your data entry systems linked in with no-name accounting systems, you are pretty much stuck with it forever more!
Well, off I go to dinner with some of the students. Ciao!
Friday, July 16, 2010
I'm sorry ...
This is a letter that I'm planning on sending to my ex-husband. You may want to reference my post http://settingthesoulfree.blogspot.com/2010/06/im-stunned.html. What do you think? Should I send it as is? Should I change it? Please let me know ... I really want your opinion.
I'm sorry for the way I responded to what Allie said you told her. I still stand behind everything I said, but I want to apologize for the way I said it; I'm sorry for being so harsh.
If you need to tell people that our marriage was a business arrangement so you can cope with ending it the way you did, that's fine. I will continue to remember the good times of our marriage instead of the bad, and that means that I will always remember our last three years of marriage as the perfect years, when we finally got everything right!
I will always be sorry that you and J don't have a relationship, and my last words of advice on this are that if you want a relationship with your son, the best way to do that is to not try to be his father at this late date, but just be his friend. Also, never give him anything expecting him to thank you for it. If you give him something, give it to him because it makes you happy just to give it to him, without ever expecting him to say thank you. And accept the fact that he and Allie have health issues (mental as well as physical); don't get your feelings hurt if they can't get together with you as planned because one or both is too tired or isn't feeling well.
I have always tried to facilitate your relationship with him, but I can no longer do so. It always makes me sad when I hear about families having bad relationships, or no relationship at all, so I really hope you and J can find a comfortable rapport.
I refuse to carry around anger toward you or hurt because of what you said and did, so my wish for you is that you let go of any feelings of sadness or responsibility you may carry for the way you ended us, then and now. I'm fine, I hope you will be too.
I'm sorry for the way I responded to what Allie said you told her. I still stand behind everything I said, but I want to apologize for the way I said it; I'm sorry for being so harsh.
If you need to tell people that our marriage was a business arrangement so you can cope with ending it the way you did, that's fine. I will continue to remember the good times of our marriage instead of the bad, and that means that I will always remember our last three years of marriage as the perfect years, when we finally got everything right!
I will always be sorry that you and J don't have a relationship, and my last words of advice on this are that if you want a relationship with your son, the best way to do that is to not try to be his father at this late date, but just be his friend. Also, never give him anything expecting him to thank you for it. If you give him something, give it to him because it makes you happy just to give it to him, without ever expecting him to say thank you. And accept the fact that he and Allie have health issues (mental as well as physical); don't get your feelings hurt if they can't get together with you as planned because one or both is too tired or isn't feeling well.
I have always tried to facilitate your relationship with him, but I can no longer do so. It always makes me sad when I hear about families having bad relationships, or no relationship at all, so I really hope you and J can find a comfortable rapport.
I refuse to carry around anger toward you or hurt because of what you said and did, so my wish for you is that you let go of any feelings of sadness or responsibility you may carry for the way you ended us, then and now. I'm fine, I hope you will be too.
I never wanted for you to be unhappy, so I wish you happiness.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Sunshine and Hot Weather -- Finally!
Yesterday the sun was actually up and shining by 6:00 a.m., and this is the first time that's happened in probably about 3 months. In fact, it's the first time the sun came out before 5:00 p.m. in the longest time ... so it was really wonderful! Granted, this means that it's going to be a hot day at this time of year, but I welcome it. This means I can actually start swimming again, and I've missed swimming!
The sun was up by 6:00 a.m. again today, and it's hotter today than yesterday. It will be even hotter tomorrow, but again, I welcome it. I can't go swimming today, but I might be able to tomorrow night.
I love swimming naked in the moonlight. Tomorrow the moon will be only about a quarter full, so that means the neighbors won't be able to see. I love it best when the moon is full, but that means I have to get in the water with my swimsuit on, then I take it off after I'm in the water. Oh ... I can't wait!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Letter to Dad
My dad is traveling with his lady-friend of many years. They live in a very hot climate and have headed to the ocean to rent a place for a month, and they arrived there this morning. This sets the background for the following message I sent him this evening:
I did receive your email in spite of the poor reception where you are staying.
We had dinner at Ken's tonight. Mom didn't come though; she just wasn't feeling up to it, but she is doing better.
J and M stopped at mom's house before they came to Ken's and brought her some food and did some cleaning around her house since Mom hasn't been well enough to do it. Dean, J and I all stopped by after dinner at Ken's and brought her some leftovers. She definitely seems to be feeling better.
I guess (my niece) is probably going to move back to where her dad and brother are living. She is interviewing for a job there and is pretty sure she will get it. If she does, then she is going to move in with her dad and brother -- NOT an ideal situation (but I know she wouldn't agree).
Dean and I talked about it and agreed, so this evening I offered (my niece) to come stay with us as an option. I don't think (my niece) will take us up on it, but we wanted to give her some better options.
But we had a nice evening in any case.
I'm glad you and C are settling in; it sounds like a very nice place. I'm glad you got a place on the ocean for the next month, but you may actually find it to be cold at this time of the year. I know it's July, but we still haven't had any summer at all here, and I miss it!
Please keep in touch as you're able.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Is it okay to lick this???
So, I've been reading a few blogs where they are talking about licking someone's asshole (anus for the more refined).
In a previous post I mentioned that someone asked me if he could do this to me, and I said "NO".
Has anyone ever licked your asshole? Did it make you nervous or uncomfortable? Did you like it, or did you not?
Have you ever licked anyone else's asshole, and did it make you nervous or uncomfortable? Did you like it, or did you not?
If you like/liked it, what is the attraction?
Please respond; I really want to know.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Customer Service Jobs Stink
It's been a tough week. I don't know why, but I just feel like I've soooooooooooo done with customers at work. Let me tell you, a word of advice, if you haven't chosen your career yet, or if you're young enough to change careers, DON'T go into a Customer Service position!
I've done CS almost all my working life, and I'm damn good at it, or at least that's what everyone tells me. However, this past week or so I've just dealt with so many rude idiots who can't read. I can't tell you how many times I get calls from these people who are mad at me because they didn't read the fine print (and the fine print isn't all that fine, and it isn't hidden -- it's directly underneath the offer -- they're just too stupid to bother to read it).
And they get mad at me because of their stupidity!
I did a terrible thing yesterday, and I'm not proud of it, but I just couldn't help myself. I got a call from a man who wanted to know about a sale we were running. I told him what the sale included, and what was required to qualify for the sale price, and he got mad at me, just as they all do. So he starts telling me that it's false advertising (which it's not), so I started speaking over him ...
"Sir? Sir? Hello? Sir? Are you there? Hello?"
No, we didn't have a bad connection; I could hear every word he said, but I pretended that I couldn't, and then I hung up on him.
Was I horrible?
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Who has the Power?
At dinner tonight with my girlfriend, we talked about who has the most power anymore ... men or women. We came to our own conclusions, but I'd like to hear yours. So the question is this:
Who has more power, men or women, and why?
I can't wait to hear what you think.
Who has more power, men or women, and why?
I can't wait to hear what you think.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Our First House Party
We met Hank and Nan on a swingers houseboat trip some years ago, and it turned out they lived only a couple miles from us. They hosted a big swing party once a month at their home for about 50 couples, and we were invited on several occasions. We particularly liked these parties because (a) they were close by, and (b) we discovered that some of our other friends attended this party as well.
So one evening we got all dressed up in our sexy best; I tend to favor a bustier like the blue one I was wearing that night,
along with a great pair of matching CFM shoes.
Dean was wearing a deep blue silk shirt and nice black slacks.
Keep in mind, this is the first house party we've ever attended.
When we got to the neighborhood, we had to find a place to park ... the streets were jammed full and we had to park several blocks away and walk. Yes, Dean could have dropped me off, but no, I didn't want to stand out front and wait for him, nor did I want to go into the party alone. So we walked the several blocks to their home; fortunately it was winter, so the long coat I was wearing to cover up my almost nakedness didn't look odd.
When we got there, we were a bit surprised to see that they were expecting a $25 "donation" per couple; we have since learned that this isn't at all unusual. It helps pay for the food and drink, not to mention the cleaning crew that has to come in both before and after the party. Asking for $25 is very reasonable, but some will ask for $10 per couple, and others $50 on up to $100 or more per couple ... it just depends on what they are providing, the type of atmosphere, and frankly, the class of people attending. And don't let the term "donation" fool you; the payment is expected. But it's called a "donation" because that way they can't get in trouble for operating a "business" without a business license, or for not reporting income.
So we walked inside, and Nan was at the door greeting the guests. Nan was plain and simple, always very quiet and reserved, and we got feeling that she was just in the LifeSyle because Hank wanted it, but her heart didn't seem to be in it. I don't think we've ever even seen her smile.
Dean and I strolled through the house front to back, peeking into all the rooms, scoping out all the different guests, mostly an older crowd (older than us anyway, by 15 years or more). We walked into the backyard where we discovered a pool and a jacuzzi, lounge chairs, and a banquet laid out for the taking. Many of the ladies brought food to contribute; sometimes that's a requirement for single ladies at house parties.
We felt a little bad; this being our first house party, we didn't know about the food or donation, so we didn't contribute, but we also didn't take any food or drinks either. In any case, Hank and Nan seemed not to mind, and Hank was clearly very happy that we were there (fresh meat, no doubt!).
While scoping out the guests, we passed one couple that had definite possibilities. Near our own ages, he was tall, dark and handsome, (my favorite kind!) wearing beautiful, elegant clothes; we later learned that he was Persian. And she was pretty, petite, and exotic looking ... (Chinese, we later discovered), wearing a pretty golden teddy. This handsome, sensuous man and I were attracted immediately ... we could see it in each other's eyes, and our breathing rate visibly became more rapid. I hoped that Dean would find the woman attractive. We continued walking past each other, as if we had some place better to go, and I was fairly certain that we would see each other again, and soon.
We also encountered another couple we knew (Rob & Wiggles), whom we had met on the same houseboat trip where we met Hank and Nan, and they also lived within a few miles of our home, so we were pleased to see them there as well. We chatted with Rob & Wiggles for a few minutes, when the handsome man (Bruce) and exotic woman (Carmine) came up to us and the four of us began flirting. Before long, Bruce took my arm, and giving Dean and Carmine a knowing look, escorted me to one of the bedrooms with Dean and Carmine following close behind.
Bruce and I began to kiss, our tongues dancing, and touch, our bodies awakening. And we could see that Dean and Carmine were doing the same. I was concerned about Carmine, as she didn't seem to be fully involved (she was watching me and Bruce more than she was paying attention to Dean), but Bruce and I were enjoying ourselves immensely, and naughty wife that I am, I decided not to worry too much about Dean and Carmine.
Bruce smelled good, like one of those sexy men's fragrances (I think it was Obsession for Men, one of the few that I love), and tasted sweet on my lips and tongue. I personally smelled and tasted like honey and almond (I love Kama Sutra products and always wear them when I'm expecting a sexy encounter) from head to toe. After all, it pays to be deliciously edible! Bruce and I spent a good deal of time on intimate touching and tasting, and at one point he asked me if he could lick my asshole ... I responded very firmly, "NO". Maybe that was a mistake, but no tongues there! Anywhere, and everywhere else, YES! But NOT in my ass! I mean, how could I kiss the guy after that, right?
By this time, Dean had already fucked Carmine ... I think he decided to get it over with since she just wasn't that into it (I've since decided that she prefers women ... I'll try to remember explain this comment later). Dean thinks she was just doing it to please Bruce, and I think he's right.
At this point, Bruce and I are now laying on a king-sized mattress (not a full-on bed, just a mattress with fresh sheets and some pillows). I'm laying on my side with Bruce next to me, and we are still enjoying the titillation of foreplay. Dean is sitting cross-legged at the head of our mattress, fully enjoying watching me and Bruce playing, and my head is almost resting in Deans naked lap, but not quite.
The next thing I know, Bruce has already put a condom on, is kneeling above me, and is firmly grasping me by my hips. He flips me over onto my hands and knees, presenting a clear picture of my exposed ass and glistening pussy. I hear moans and gasps and groans coming from the darkness surrounding our mattress, and I now realize that we are the floor show, and all the single men (yes, this house party allowed single men, which doesn't always happen) know I'm about to get fucked, and they are all wishing it was there dicks that were going to plunge into my throbbing juiciness.
Dean is still sitting cross-legged, and he is just inches in front of my face. He, too, has a big, hard dick, and I'm close enough to him to see the naked lust in his eyes, how proud he is that I'm his woman, and that all the men want to fuck me, but I belong to him, and he knows it. He's also pleased to know that I want to get fucked by Bruce, that I lust for it, that it gives me pleasure to get fucked and be lusted after by all these men. He loves that he married a slut, his slut, who loves spreading her legs and taking it all in.
Bruce again slides his fingers between my lips, gently pinching my clit, my juices coating his fingers, then sucks the juices off each finger one-by-one. I feel the head of his cock, slowly sliding between my legs, spreading my lips, and when he is completely inside me, I go insane. What a great cock! What a fantastic cock! It is bent slightly, not straight, and it is the perfect shape to hit my G-Spot with every plunge into my pussy. Dean's dick is right in front of me, and I bend down to take it into my mouth as I'm being invaded from behind. Oh my God! This is a dream cum true! I'm being fucked by one beautiful man ... fabulously fucked, that is, by this perfect cock, and going down on my husband, my lover, at the same time, all the while being worshiped from afar by all the single men watching, wishing they were in this picture.
My mouth is full of cock, my pussy is full of cock, and I'm moaning, and writhing, and cumming, and cumming, and cumming, again and again. I've never experienced anything like this, and I revel it! Dean is loving it too ... loving my moans with him deep in my throat, feeling the deep vibrations in waves over his cock, watching Bruce plunge, again and again. Oh, how I wish it would never end!
But it does come to an end, and Dean gets up and goes to get me a tall glass of water to replenish my spent juices. As Dean returns, I see that Rob and Wiggles are with him. I think they may have been watching from the darkness, along with all the others, but I'm not sure. I'm laying back in Bruce's arms, and I'm completely spent, unable to move, other than to down that tall drink of water that my body is so in need of.
Bruce is rubbing now my body, stroking my breasts, squeezing my nipples, and I see that Wiggles and Dean are starting to play; I'm so glad, I've had my fun, and I want Dean to have some real fun with a real woman who really knows how to enjoy herself. And as I'm leaning back against Bruce, and Dean and Wiggles are beginning to play, Rob kneels down and joins Bruce in rubbing and stroking my body. I'm nothing but Jello now, putty in their hands, and under their tongues, as they both begin to explore my entire body from head to toe ... my ears, my neck, my shoulders, my hips, the backs of my knees, my feet, my nipples, and my pussy.
Bruce is paying most of his attention to my upper half as I am leaning back into his body, while Rob is paying in-depth attention to my lower half, exploring the depths of Gabrielle with fingers and tongue as I begin again to purr. I can feel the fire building once again in my thighs, the ache deepening in my groin, and my pussy is starting to glow again.
Now Dean and Wiggles have joined in, and I am the center of the universe, I am a Goddess, and all are worshiping at the alter that is my body. I'm lifted into the air by Bruce, and Rob planting my spread legs over his hips, plunges his cock into me while Bruce supports my body. I'm floating in the air, fucking and being fucked, and someone slips a finger into my asshole, and I'm cumming again and again. All the water I drank is being put to good use lubricating my orgasmic body.
Dean is now helping to support me on one side as he fondles my breast while Rob is fucking me, and Wiggles is sucking on the nipple of my other breast. I'm being carried over to a bed now, and set upon the bed, and Wiggles, well, she wiggles onto the bed next to me and, while Rob is still fucking me, Wiggles slips her fingers between my legs and slips her tongue between them and begins lavishing my clit and lips with affection. Oh my God, this is amazing! Then Rob cums, and he is replaced once again by Bruce between my legs, who after he cums, is now replaced by Dean.
Everyone has cum, multiple times, but none as many as me, and I'm completely spent. There are more cummers to this party, but I turn them away, or rather, Dean turns them away for me, as I literally cannot move. What a perfectly fantastic evening! I'm completely drained, spent, unable to move. This is the evening that all other evenings shall forevermore be measured by.
It's time to go home, and I cannot walk. No, I cannot even stand. Dean gathers my lingerie and slips it all into my bag, but he doesn't need to worry about my shoes, since they, and my silk thigh highs have never even come up my body. Dean puts my coat on over my naked body, and picks me up in his strong arms (I do love a strong man). Then we say goodnight, and he carries me back the several blocks to the car, places me in the seat, and takes me home, and puts me to bed.
I can't wait to do this again!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
I just heard this song today
This is a difficult song for me to listen to because it rings so true ... my poor son. BTW, my husband never beat me physically ... only emotionally.
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Monday, June 21, 2010
One night at Hank's House Party
Starring: Me
Co-Starring: Dean, Bob, and Bruce
This Calvin Klein ad gives you a little idea of a favorite memory that I'm thinking about ... but would you like to know more???
Co-Starring: Dean, Bob, and Bruce
This Calvin Klein ad gives you a little idea of a favorite memory that I'm thinking about ... but would you like to know more???
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Tonight Dean is working at the club
Well, it's Wednesday night ...
Every Wednesday night Dean is working at the club. This is not something I really like; it's a swing club, and I'm not there with him. Yes, I could go, but I don't so, "Why" you ask, "are you not there with him?"
Because I work full time, Monday through Friday, and often on Saturday as well. If the club were not so far away, I'm sure I would go, but it's easily a 2-hour drive, each way!
I don't like that he goes to the club without me. No, I'm not really concerned that he'll play without me, but I don't like it all the same. I want to go, after all, but not if it is a 2-hour drive. Not if I have to work the next morning, and I always do.
So you would think I'd like the fact that Dean has a regular gig, what with him having very little work these days, right? Not so, in this case. He makes that fricking 2-hour drive each way, works for 4 to 5 hours, and only gets paid $60! Ridiculous!
Another reason I don't like it is that if we go to the club on a night that he isn't working, like us going as a couple, going for fun (what a concept!), I hate it there now because everyone knows him, and only a few people know me! That's no fun for me, and in fact, makes for me to get my feelings hurt. I would like it much better if we went to a club where no one knows either of us instead. That way I would have a better chance of being seen as an individual, and not just as Dean's wife.
Does this make sense?
Monday, June 14, 2010
Today's Horoscope
This is my horoscope for 6/14/10 ...
"You are being sent on an emotional journey, even if you don't think you have enough time to explore your feelings now. Nevertheless, you are ready to turn a corner when Venus dances into your 5th House of Love. Don't hold back; it's time to explore the pleasure that you seek, even if only in your dreams."
I LOVE IT! I can't wait for Venus to dance into my 5th House of Love so I can explore the pleasure that I seek.
"You are being sent on an emotional journey, even if you don't think you have enough time to explore your feelings now. Nevertheless, you are ready to turn a corner when Venus dances into your 5th House of Love. Don't hold back; it's time to explore the pleasure that you seek, even if only in your dreams."
I LOVE IT! I can't wait for Venus to dance into my 5th House of Love so I can explore the pleasure that I seek.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Our night with R & S
Dean and I occasionally travel to swing events. Sometimes it's Vegas, or Reno, or Florida. We don't go often because we simply can't afford it; with a hubby who is in the entertainment business, in this poor economy I'm pretty much the only bread-winner, and there just isn't enough bread to do nearly as much as we'd like to do, or as much as we used to do.
By volunteering to help out at various swing events we are able to attend for free ... other than the cost of travel, room, and meals. We don't have to pay for the event, and this makes it possible to attend from time-to-time.
Being a volunteer at these events has advantages and disadvantages. A definite advantage is that we are always in the middle of what's going on. We get to meet so many people we wouldn't have the chance to meet otherwise as a result. A definite DISadvantage is that we are busy working during many of the fun events so can't always participate. Also, we have to make time to sleep and eat, so getting a chance to play can be challenging.
The last swing vacation event we attended was in Florida in November 2009 (I'm not talking about club events ... those are another story altogether). We're very picky on who we will play with. We have to like them ... I mean I have to like both the man AND the woman, and Dean has to like both the woman AND the man ... as people we would want to hang around with otherwise. If we don't both like both of them then we won't play.
We both liked Ron & Sabrina very much so we planned on getting together with them.
That night at the dance I was wearing a red and black bustier (aka corset or merry-widow) that took full advantage of my breasts and legs.
Ron and I were dirty dancing, and Sabrina and Dean were dirty dancing, and I certainly couldn't miss the twinkle in Ron's eyes as he watched me move on the dance floor with complete abandon, and a certainty that he would soon see me out of my sexy outfit.
Ron and I were dirty dancing, and Sabrina and Dean were dirty dancing, and I certainly couldn't miss the twinkle in Ron's eyes as he watched me move on the dance floor with complete abandon, and a certainty that he would soon see me out of my sexy outfit.
As we moved, looking into each other's eyes promising more sensuous things to cum, I leaned into him, pressing my breasts against his chest, and leaning forward, I ever so gently traced his lips with my tongue. Then I began nibbling his lips until our tongues were dancing as seductively as our bodies. I moved to his neck, and then to his shoulders, and on down to his chest, giving his nipples special attention, with my legs slightly apart, and my hips swaying from side to side. I ran my breasts up and down his body, again, swaying from side to side.
I turned around, leaning back into him with my arms back, holding onto his hips, as he cupped my breasts in his hands. I pushed my ass into his crotch, slowly bent forward, and we began grinding on each other while he held onto my hips. Running my fingernails down the insides of his legs to his ankles, then back up again, I was promising more to cum, and I felt his hardness through our clothes.
We moved toward the exit, with Dean & Sabrina close behind us, to be joined by two other couples. We made our way back to the room of Liz & Hal, whom we didn't know well, but who Ron & Sabrina knew. So the four couples were me & Dean, Ron & Sabrina, Liz & Hal and Deb & Ken.
When we got to Liz & Hal's room, Liz thought it would be a good idea to introduce ourselves with our names and something about us that we thought the others should know. Never a bad idea, Liz went first. She said, "I'm Liz, and I think you ought to know that I love to eat pussy." This got some ooooohhhs and aaahhhs from the group, as it always does. After all, most men get so turned on by woman-on-woman action, and so many women are in the LifeStyle specifically so they can have a little woman-on-woman action themselves. The rest of them went on introducing themselves and sharing a little fact about themselves, then it got to me, and I said, "I'm Gabrielle, and I DON'T eat pussy." This was greeted with stunned silence, and I said, "Don't worry, I don't mind a bit if you eat my pussy, and I love to suck dick." This was greeted with giggles and sighs of relief.
Then Liz says, "Okay, so let's pair up." I could see that Liz had her eye on Ron, so I immediately grabbed him (I didn't want to play with Ken or Hal) and Dean immediately grabbed Sabrina ... this was the only pairing we had in mind and we meant to make sure it worked out that way (I said we are picky, and we are). A lot of people in the LifeStyle aren't as picky, and some are more picky. Not only do we have to like the people we fuck, but we also have to be attracted to them, and believe me, there was no attraction for us to the others in the room, nice people though they were.
With two king size beds in the room, each couple had plenty of room to play. Ron and I used the end of the bed we were on, with Deb and Hal using the rest of the bed to play. Dean and Sabrina played on the majority of the other bed, and Liz and Ken were using the end of the other bed, just as Ron and I were using ours.
We started with me sitting on the foot of the bed, fully dressed (in my bustier, stockings, and high heals), rubbing against each other. Ron began unhooking my bustier, freeing my breasts so he could suck on the nipples and make them nice and hard. He now removes my panties. Laying back, still with my thigh high stockings and high healed shoes on, Ron kneels down between my legs, gently spreads my wet lips, and ...
... firmly taking my clit in his mouth, he began to chew!
I kid you not ... I thought I was going to lose my clit! What do I do? Oh! My! God! What makes Ron think that I would like this? What woman would like this?
Please tell me, dear readers, do you like it like this? If you do, I really want to know. What are your thoughts?
I like it to start gently, as a little tease, a little flick, with a promise of things to cum. I like it to progress slowly, slipping a finger into my pussy while plying my clit with gentle affection.
But all I can think now is what do I do? How do I make it stop without bruising his ego? I grab his head in my hands, and gently PRY him back out from between my legs. I look deeply into his eyes and say, "It's my turn. I want to go down on you."
We switch positions, and now Ron is sitting on the foot of the bed, with me taking control of the situation, switching back to my seduction of him where we left off on the dance floor. The difference here is that I am now also slowly removing his clothes so I could expose and lavish every inch of his neck, sculpted chest, and flat stomach with the sensual attention of my fingers and moist tongue. Working my way past that lovely hugh bulge in his satin boxers, just slightly grazing it as I worked past it and down the inside of his thighs with my finger nails and my tongue, down to the backs of his knees, all the way down to his ankles (after all, every inch of a man's body deserves to be lavished with attention). I now worked my way back up to the inside of his thighs again, now tickling his balls ever so lightly, all the while breathing my hot breath on his dick, and gently flicking it with the tip of my tongue.
Now tracing his penis a little more firmly with my tongue, and now his balls, while stroking the insides of his thighs with my nails, giving every inch of him attention, until I finally take him deep into my mouth, moaning, making little groaning noises deep in my throat that I know he can feel, up and down, in and out, until he cannot stand it any more. This is the way it's done. I'm back in control of this situation. Still with my thigh highs and high heals on, I push him back onto the bed, onto his elbows, with him still partially sitting up, looking at every inch of my exposed body.
I said to Ron, I need to get a condom ... Ron opens his hand, and he already has one! Love a man who is prepared!
With one foot still on the floor, I straddle him, lifting one leg up over his hips and
s l o w l y,
ever so
s l o w l y,
lower my wet pussy down over his now throbbing cock. I can feel my pussy muscles quivering around him, and I rock my hips forward and back, grabbing his dick again and again with my tight pussy muscles, juices dripping, riding him for all he's worth. Moaning and groaning, the sounds of release cumming, me and my religious litany ... oh God ... oh God ... oh Jesus ... Oh ... Ohh ... Oh! God! Oh! God! OHHHH! MY! GOD!I collapse on top of Ron's sweating body ... Ron too, is sated. Exhausted. Unable to move.
I can hear Dean and Sabrina (well, I can hear Dean ... yes, I can pick his sounds of ecstasy out of a crowded room of fucking bodies). I know he has heard me, picked out my voice, the sounds of my glory, urging him on to his release.
It's now 2:00 a.m. We are all weak, and it is glorious. As we gather our clothing, we regroup back to our original couples (me and Dean, Ron and Sabrina, etc.) to walk naked back to our own rooms, we must pass the swimming pool, and we decide to go for a dip. Swimming naked, we are rejuvenated, and we began to play ...
Saturday, June 12, 2010
More about R & S
This is a description of R & S in their own words, as taken from a swing site that we both frequent. For those unfamiliar with swing sites, they generally have several questions, just like the ones below (We Are Looking For; Description; etc.). These are fairly standard, and they need to be answered to help others identify if you and they are a good match.
In any case, D and I met them before we ever read their profile, and then after reading their profile, we thought ... "No wonder we like them so much! We have a lot of similarities!" The entire first paragraph (We Are Looking For) is almost the same as from our profile!
Some differences; I love all animals, especially cats! I hate Macs -- PCs rule! We love Kama Sutra products (and some positions), but we aren't into Tantric sex (tried it but couldn't get into it).
Some differences; I love all animals, especially cats! I hate Macs -- PCs rule! We love Kama Sutra products (and some positions), but we aren't into Tantric sex (tried it but couldn't get into it).
We Are Looking For:
Erotic, sensual, open-minded, sexy, and willing to receive pleasure as much as we like giving it. We are looking for reliable couples primarily, but not exclusively. Couples that provide us with tantric nourishment. To us the lifestyle is a body, mind and soul experience. We love how being with other couples enhances our own life. With that in mind please note that height, weight, age, creed, national origin, race, politics or sexual preferences are not considered as factors in deciding who we want to spend time with. We don't care where you work or what you do to earn your keep. If it comes up in conversation or you bring it up fine. We will NEVER ask. The only factor that matters is if our hearts skip a beat. IMPORTANT: ALTHOUGH WE HAVE OUR PREFERENCES WE ARE VERY FLEXIBLE AND ADAPT TO OUR PLAYMATES WISHES!!! Although she is straight, she will play with the right woman but not below the waist. USE OF CONDOMS IS A MUST!!!!! NO CONDOM NO PLAY PERIOD
Him: Very kind, polished, well dressed, well mannered gentleman. Easy going, passionate, a soft spoken advocate for justice and fair play. Well mannered and well read, organized, interested in pop culture and current events, a news junkie, avidly interested in aviation, hopelessly and unashamedly a proud Mac user. Not fond of dogs and cats.
Her: Slightly shy at first (and not the greatest at making an approach), but funny and kind once she gets to know you; considerate and more adventurous than you might think at first. Loves roller coasters, reading, eroticism. We are both College educated with work towards an advanced degree. Travel, particularly by air, is in our DNA. When we travel, we visit as many museums, and landmarks as possible. We are HUGE film buffs. Feature full length films of almost every genre are represented in our collection. He collects issue oriented files and loves the "film noir" style while she loves history, comedy, and fantasy films. He writes a small column review the movies that we screen. One of our film objectives is to see every movie that is nominated for an Oscar prior to the award show. We love to entertain and we host a black tie dinner on Oscar night. We love to eat so cooking is another part of our lives. With her chemistry background and his Cuban roots, our meals make a deliciously decadent event. We have access to unlimited air transportation so therefore can meet anyone, anywhere. Both very hospitable and congenial. She originally from Saginaw, Michigan. He originally from New York, New York.
Our fantasies and / or real experiences:
Members of Tabu, The Cottage, TJ's
Flirting, hugging, provocative dress, hi heels, sheer clothing, short skirts, lots of cleavage, a REAL lady or gentleman (in style, manners, speech), respectful and considerate people, a great sense of humor, intelligent conversation, tight pants, lipstick, well manicured nails. Dressing for Sex! We LOVE TO BE TOUCHED! When the mood is right we like to be watched. Love being nude. Whenever possible we like to express ourselves Tantrickly.
What else we'd like to say, do, see, hear about and / or learn:
Some of our interests:
biking, baseball/softball, football, swinging, cycle racing, aviation, roller-blading, running, love sex, skiing/ snowboarding, tennis, volleyball, old cars, working out, computers, cooking, wine, home improvement, music, concerts, theater, movies, visual arts, beach, photography, Fetish: role playing, adult film, politics, Fetish: blindfolds, Fetish: bondage, Fetish: candle wax, Fetish: leather & latex, Porsche, Ice hockey, Documentaries, Formula One Grand Prix Racing, NPR, TCM (Turner Classic Movies), knitting, high heels, short skirts, lots of cleavage, Role Play, Toys, Wax Play
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