Friday, June 4, 2010

How and why I got into the "LifeStyle"

In order to understand more about how and why I got into "The LifeStyle" ... that is "Swinging", or "Wife-Swapping", you need to know a little about my history.

I got married while I was still in high school because, well, I got knocked up.  Pregnant at 17, I got married when I was 4 months pregnant (I had just turned 18 one month before I got married).  

The man I married was the father, and he was quite the intellectual, and very easy on the eyes.  He had long blond hair and the most gorgeous hazel eyes.  He was extremely witty and had a great sense of humor.

What I didn't seem to understand was this; he was mean.  His wit and humor dripped with sarcasm and subtle insults.  Not to me, not at first.  But I later realized that he was mean to pretty much everyone else.  After all, he was superior, you see.  And everyone else was an idiot, as far as he was concerned.  And then after we got married, he was very angry with me, and I felt his wrath ... no, no, no ... he never hit me!  But he was verbally quite abusive.  

Our marriage is another story, for another time, but the point is, along with being mean, he was extremely prudish.  I couldn't wear short skirts or low tops, and if I left a top unbuttoned the first button or two, he would be sure to button it all the way up for me ... ever so thoughtful, you see.

It was very stifling.

Out of self-defense, I took a number of lovers (that's another story, too) during our marriage, but I would never have left him for another man.  I believed that marriage was until death do you part, and I had every intention of living up to my end of that bargain.  But we did, eventually, divorce, oddly enough because he met someone else.  

I took a few more lovers, until I got together with the man I am currently married to (more stories for later).  

I have a girlfriend, my best friend, who is a swinger, and I've known this about her and her hubby since long before I got divorced from my first husband (I never told my first husband because he would have forbade me from seeing her).  I used to listen to her tales with envy, thinking I could never experience anything like that, especially not with my current husband, and thinking how much I'd like to try it (the thought of two men at the same time was so exciting to me!). 

But then shortly after D and I got married, I told him about B, and her lifestyle.  He was intrigued (like most normal men), and we decided to go to a Halloween swing party.  When I say party, I don't mean a little house party, I mean a big, huge party, with about 300 couples at a hotel in the ballroom (no balling allowed!).  I got to dress sexy for a change, and go dancing, and enjoyed "group grope" on the dance floor.  The hotel staff was all agog.  Many of the guests had reserved rooms for playing, but we hadn't.  

No, we didn't play that night, but the door had been opened, and we were going to walk through eventually.  

More later ...

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