Friday, June 11, 2010

Stuff of late ...

G Wrote:

Hi Sweetie,

I'm glad Nikkie is doing better and hope she continues to improve.

I'm doing okay.  I'm tired of working 6 days a week, but will manage.  I've got a couple of airbrush jobs coming up, so that is very good; they pay well.  

I got a raise at work!  I had to put in for it, but I got pretty much what I expected.  Not what I asked for ($3 more per hour and 1 additional week of vacation), but I made a point of over-asking (knowing he'd come back with a counter offer).  He came back with $1.50 more per hour and 1 additional day per week of vacation.  I countered, and we settled at $2 more per hour with no additional vacation.  I think with all the overtime I do the way I worked it will pay more in the end (it's less than I would have been paid for a vacation day without the O/T, but with the O/T, it will make up for it).  In any case, that will help.

Speaking of vacation, no, I don't think we'll be going to the R & S party in August.  I'm sure it will be very nice; they invited us to the last one, and R was trying to get us transportation at no cost, but couldn't swing it (great choice of words, wink, wink).  I was supposed to go in September ... first to my uncle's in Mississippi, then on to Baltimore where I would stay with R & S for a visit, but mostly spend time in DC.  I've never been to DC, and there is so much history there, and with one of my ancestor's having spent so much time there during and after the American Revolution, I really wanted to go to see some of our family's history.  I just can't afford it, and I don't see that changing soon.  D just isn't getting much work.  

Speaking of D, he's been working like crazy getting the backyard fixed up and the pool going.  We got a solar heater, and he has been making a stand for it so we can take best advantage of the sun.   Speaking of the pool, once the solar panel is up for a couple of days, it should be pretty warm, and we can start using it.  I'd love for you to come over to join me in the pool in the evenings after work if you want to.  It's an open invitation.  

Love you,

B wrote:

Nikkie was pretty sick over the weekend but she's coming around. With the antibiotics and immune system supplements, she seems to be doing better. The biggest challenge was getting her to eat. She's chowing down at a more healthy pace and she seems to be getting around like her almost normal self. But I know it's only a matter of time.... :(  She still isn't playing.
FYI: R called me about a house party he and S are throwing in August. Sounds like a nice weekend, and he wanted me to entice you and D to come, but we can't afford to fly to the East Coast for a weekend. I suspect  it's the same for you. Have not told him yet we won't be coming (not there, anyway.. :)  )
How are you doing?

G wrote:
Hi Luv,

I've been thinking a lot about you and J, and Nikki, of course.  How are you all doing?

Love you,

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